The story of Prophet Ya'qub as being the ancestor of the Children of Israel
This time the story of Nabiyulloh Ya'kub as hopefully make a lesson for us to be in love with the creator.
Prophet Ya'qub was the son of the Prophet Ishaq bin Ibrahim was a child his mother is the sister of Abraham, named Rifqah bint A'zar. He is the twin brother of Ishaq second son named Ishu.
Between the twins there is no atmosphere of harmony and peace, and no one put affection for one another even Ishu envy and jealousy grudge against his twin brother Jacob who was pampered and cherished and loved by his mother. Their relationship is tenuous and is not familiar it is getting worse and tense after known by Ishu that Ya'qublah filed by his mother when his father asked for the arrival of his children to be blessed and prayed while he was not notified and therefore did not get a chance like Ya'qub gain blessings and prayers of his father, Prophet Isaac.
Seeing the attitude of his brother being stiff and cold, and hear the words of sarcasm arising from envy and envy, even he always threatened then Jacob came to his father complain about the hostility. He said, complaining: "O my father! Please, give mind me, how should I confront my brother Ishu who hates vengeful envy me and always sarcasm with words that hurt me, sehinggakan menjadihubungan our brotherhood ber two tenuous and tense no love for each other to love each other dear-loved. He was angry because the father bless and pray for me so that I memperolehi offspring pious sustenance easy and prosperous life and luxury. He boasted two wives of the tribe Kan'aan and threatened that her children from two wives were will be a tough rival for my children in the search and livelihood and various other threats that mencemas and suffocating me. Please, give me a father's mind how I can solve this problem and solve it by means of kinship.
Said the father, Prophet Ishaq, who was already annoyed careful look at the relationship as his two sons were increasingly pointed: "O my son, because of my age who advanced me unable to mediate you both ubanku already covered the entire head, my body is already bending my face already wrinkled wrinkled and I sudak be on the verge of separation from you and leave this mortal world. I khuatir when I shut the age, impaired brother Ishu you will be increasing and it will openly hostile, trying to find accident mu and kebinasaanmu. he was in his efforts hostile will get support and help and brothers-in-law were influential and authoritative in this country. So the best way for you, according to fikiranku, you must leave the country and emigrate you to Fadan A'raam in parts of Iraq, where dwelt the father Laban thy mother's brother, the son of Batu; il. you can expect dikahwinkan to one daughter and thus become the stronger your social position as respected and honored people because of the position-in-law who stand out in the eyes of society. Go thou there with the accompaniment of prayer drpku may Allah bless your journey, giving sustenance cheap and easy and life is quiet and serene.
Advice and suggestions father got a place in the boy's heart. Jacob saw in his father's instigation desired way out of the crisis fraternal relations among them and Ishu, especially following the proposition that he would be able to meet with the father of his brother and members of his family from his mother's side .He soon wrap packing goods needed on the way and with a heart that was touched and tears flooded his eyes he asked his father and his mother when leaving the house.
Prophet Ya'qub Arrive in Iraq
By way through vast Sahara sand and hot sun with the scorching heat and angi samumnya {} which burns the skin, Jacob continued on alone, leading to Fadan A'ram where his father Laban lived. In the long journey, he sometimes stopped beristirehat when feeling tired and lethargic .And in one of the stops he stopped because it was sgt exhausted asleep under the shade of a large rock .In a deep sleep, he had a dream that he dikurniakan vast fortune , livelihoods are secure peace, family and children cucuc pious and devotion as well as large and prosperous kingdom. Terbangunlah Jacob from his sleep, rubbed his eyes turned to the right and to the left and Awake THAT what he saw was a dream, but he believes that his dream would become a reality in the future in conformity with the prayers of his father who was still buzzing in his ears. With acquired the dream, he felt all the exhaustion caused by the journey becomes lost as if he memperolehi tanaga bertambahlah enthusiasm for the new and as soon as possible to arrive at a place on the go and meet his relatives from his mother's side.
Jacob finally arrived at the front gate A'ram Fadan city after days of day and night journey which bore nothing is seen apart from the sky above and the sand below. How relieved her heart when she began to see the animals allowed to roam over fields of grass, the birds flying in the air is clear and the townspeople berhilir Mundir earn a living and living purposes respectively.
Arriving at one of the crossroads he stopped for a moment to ask one resident where it is home with her brother Laban gentleness. Laban a famous wealthy owner of a company that is the largest farms in the city it was not difficult for someone to find her address. Ditanyanya population was soon pointed toward a pretty girl who was herding goats and said to Jacob: "Incidentally, that's what Laban daughter who will be able to take you to the home of his father, he was named Rahil.
With the pounding Ahti, Jacob went over to the beautiful and pretty, and with a voice that falters as if there is something that binds his tongue, he introduced himself, that he was his own cousin. His mother named Rifqah are siblings dair her father's. Furthermore, he explained to her that he had come to Fadam A'raam of Kan'aan with the goal of going to see Laban, his father to deliver orders Ishaq, Ya'qub told the girl's father. So happy attitude of the friendly face of a sweet disilakan Jacob walked towards the house of Laban followed his father.
embrace-pelukanlah with the father affectionately brother with brother's son, signifies the joy each with meeting unexpected and flows on each cheek tears shed by a sense moved and sukcita. So disapkanlah by Laban bin Batu'il place and the typical cubicle for his brother's son Jacob is not different places their own biological child where he can live as they please like at home.
After some time living in the house of Laban, his father as family members submitted by the KDP father saudranya Ya'qub Ishaq his father's orders, so that they both berbesan with mengahwinkannya to one of his daughters. The orders were received by Laban and Laban mengahwinkan agree with one daughter, provided as maskahwin, it must provide its workforce in the enterprise will penternakan mentuanya for seven years. Jacob agreed to the terms proposed by his father and work it as a director of the company's largest in the city Fadan penternakan A'raam it.
Terjemahkan dari: Melayu
After seven years mas surpassed by Jacob as workers in the company penternakan Laban, his father claim the promise he would take it as a son-in-law. Laban offers to Jacob so that editing named Laiya daughter as his wife, the child wants his brother Rahil of Laiya, because more beautiful and more beautiful than it offers itu.Keinginan Laiya where he offers candidly by Jacob to his father, who is also the father of his brother's grasp and understand the hearts of his brother. However, the customs prevailing at that time did not permit a younger brother stepped over kahwin first. Therefore as a middle way rather disappointing Jacob nor violate regulations, Laban suggested that his brother's son Jacob receive Laiya as his first wife and Rahil as a second wife to be edited later after he underwent mas seven years working in the penternakannya company.
Jacob was very respectful to the father of his brother and felt indebted to him who has received it at home as a family, melayannya well and tidakdibeda differentiated as if his own child, can do nothing but accept his father's reserves. Marriage implemented and a contract for a second seven-year period signed.
Once the second seven-year period ended dikahwinkanlah Ya'qub with Rahil girl he loved and always remembered since his first encounter when he entered the town Fadan A'raam. Thus the Prophet Ya'qub hath two sisters, brother and sister, which by law and regulations in force at the time but not forbidden by the shari'a of Muhammad s.a.w. such a thing is forbidden.
Laban gives to two daughters, that is, the second wife of Jacob a slave to become housemaids them. And of his two wives and the two servant of the harem and Ya'qub dikurniai twelve children, in Yusuf and Binyamin antaraya of Rahil was another mother of Laiya.
This time the story of Nabiyulloh Ya'kub as hopefully make a lesson for us to be in love with the creator.
Prophet Ya'qub was the son of the Prophet Ishaq bin Ibrahim was a child his mother is the sister of Abraham, named Rifqah bint A'zar. He is the twin brother of Ishaq second son named Ishu.
Between the twins there is no atmosphere of harmony and peace, and no one put affection for one another even Ishu envy and jealousy grudge against his twin brother Jacob who was pampered and cherished and loved by his mother. Their relationship is tenuous and is not familiar it is getting worse and tense after known by Ishu that Ya'qublah filed by his mother when his father asked for the arrival of his children to be blessed and prayed while he was not notified and therefore did not get a chance like Ya'qub gain blessings and prayers of his father, Prophet Isaac.
Seeing the attitude of his brother being stiff and cold, and hear the words of sarcasm arising from envy and envy, even he always threatened then Jacob came to his father complain about the hostility. He said, complaining: "O my father! Please, give mind me, how should I confront my brother Ishu who hates vengeful envy me and always sarcasm with words that hurt me, sehinggakan menjadihubungan our brotherhood ber two tenuous and tense no love for each other to love each other dear-loved. He was angry because the father bless and pray for me so that I memperolehi offspring pious sustenance easy and prosperous life and luxury. He boasted two wives of the tribe Kan'aan and threatened that her children from two wives were will be a tough rival for my children in the search and livelihood and various other threats that mencemas and suffocating me. Please, give me a father's mind how I can solve this problem and solve it by means of kinship.
Said the father, Prophet Ishaq, who was already annoyed careful look at the relationship as his two sons were increasingly pointed: "O my son, because of my age who advanced me unable to mediate you both ubanku already covered the entire head, my body is already bending my face already wrinkled wrinkled and I sudak be on the verge of separation from you and leave this mortal world. I khuatir when I shut the age, impaired brother Ishu you will be increasing and it will openly hostile, trying to find accident mu and kebinasaanmu. he was in his efforts hostile will get support and help and brothers-in-law were influential and authoritative in this country. So the best way for you, according to fikiranku, you must leave the country and emigrate you to Fadan A'raam in parts of Iraq, where dwelt the father Laban thy mother's brother, the son of Batu; il. you can expect dikahwinkan to one daughter and thus become the stronger your social position as respected and honored people because of the position-in-law who stand out in the eyes of society. Go thou there with the accompaniment of prayer drpku may Allah bless your journey, giving sustenance cheap and easy and life is quiet and serene.
Advice and suggestions father got a place in the boy's heart. Jacob saw in his father's instigation desired way out of the crisis fraternal relations among them and Ishu, especially following the proposition that he would be able to meet with the father of his brother and members of his family from his mother's side .He soon wrap packing goods needed on the way and with a heart that was touched and tears flooded his eyes he asked his father and his mother when leaving the house.
Prophet Ya'qub Arrive in Iraq
By way through vast Sahara sand and hot sun with the scorching heat and angi samumnya {} which burns the skin, Jacob continued on alone, leading to Fadan A'ram where his father Laban lived. In the long journey, he sometimes stopped beristirehat when feeling tired and lethargic .And in one of the stops he stopped because it was sgt exhausted asleep under the shade of a large rock .In a deep sleep, he had a dream that he dikurniakan vast fortune , livelihoods are secure peace, family and children cucuc pious and devotion as well as large and prosperous kingdom. Terbangunlah Jacob from his sleep, rubbed his eyes turned to the right and to the left and Awake THAT what he saw was a dream, but he believes that his dream would become a reality in the future in conformity with the prayers of his father who was still buzzing in his ears. With acquired the dream, he felt all the exhaustion caused by the journey becomes lost as if he memperolehi tanaga bertambahlah enthusiasm for the new and as soon as possible to arrive at a place on the go and meet his relatives from his mother's side.
Jacob finally arrived at the front gate A'ram Fadan city after days of day and night journey which bore nothing is seen apart from the sky above and the sand below. How relieved her heart when she began to see the animals allowed to roam over fields of grass, the birds flying in the air is clear and the townspeople berhilir Mundir earn a living and living purposes respectively.
Arriving at one of the crossroads he stopped for a moment to ask one resident where it is home with her brother Laban gentleness. Laban a famous wealthy owner of a company that is the largest farms in the city it was not difficult for someone to find her address. Ditanyanya population was soon pointed toward a pretty girl who was herding goats and said to Jacob: "Incidentally, that's what Laban daughter who will be able to take you to the home of his father, he was named Rahil.
With the pounding Ahti, Jacob went over to the beautiful and pretty, and with a voice that falters as if there is something that binds his tongue, he introduced himself, that he was his own cousin. His mother named Rifqah are siblings dair her father's. Furthermore, he explained to her that he had come to Fadam A'raam of Kan'aan with the goal of going to see Laban, his father to deliver orders Ishaq, Ya'qub told the girl's father. So happy attitude of the friendly face of a sweet disilakan Jacob walked towards the house of Laban followed his father.
embrace-pelukanlah with the father affectionately brother with brother's son, signifies the joy each with meeting unexpected and flows on each cheek tears shed by a sense moved and sukcita. So disapkanlah by Laban bin Batu'il place and the typical cubicle for his brother's son Jacob is not different places their own biological child where he can live as they please like at home.
After some time living in the house of Laban, his father as family members submitted by the KDP father saudranya Ya'qub Ishaq his father's orders, so that they both berbesan with mengahwinkannya to one of his daughters. The orders were received by Laban and Laban mengahwinkan agree with one daughter, provided as maskahwin, it must provide its workforce in the enterprise will penternakan mentuanya for seven years. Jacob agreed to the terms proposed by his father and work it as a director of the company's largest in the city Fadan penternakan A'raam it.
Terjemahkan dari: Melayu
After seven years mas surpassed by Jacob as workers in the company penternakan Laban, his father claim the promise he would take it as a son-in-law. Laban offers to Jacob so that editing named Laiya daughter as his wife, the child wants his brother Rahil of Laiya, because more beautiful and more beautiful than it offers itu.Keinginan Laiya where he offers candidly by Jacob to his father, who is also the father of his brother's grasp and understand the hearts of his brother. However, the customs prevailing at that time did not permit a younger brother stepped over kahwin first. Therefore as a middle way rather disappointing Jacob nor violate regulations, Laban suggested that his brother's son Jacob receive Laiya as his first wife and Rahil as a second wife to be edited later after he underwent mas seven years working in the penternakannya company.
Jacob was very respectful to the father of his brother and felt indebted to him who has received it at home as a family, melayannya well and tidakdibeda differentiated as if his own child, can do nothing but accept his father's reserves. Marriage implemented and a contract for a second seven-year period signed.
Once the second seven-year period ended dikahwinkanlah Ya'qub with Rahil girl he loved and always remembered since his first encounter when he entered the town Fadan A'raam. Thus the Prophet Ya'qub hath two sisters, brother and sister, which by law and regulations in force at the time but not forbidden by the shari'a of Muhammad s.a.w. such a thing is forbidden.
Laban gives to two daughters, that is, the second wife of Jacob a slave to become housemaids them. And of his two wives and the two servant of the harem and Ya'qub dikurniai twelve children, in Yusuf and Binyamin antaraya of Rahil was another mother of Laiya.
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