Exemplary Story of Prophet Ishaq bin Ibrahim as
Ishaq (Standard, Tiberian Yis.h.a-q) was the second son of Prophet Ibrahim after Ismail. His mother named Sarah who is also the parent of the Prophet Yaqub. The Prophet Ishaq sent to Kana'an society, particularly in the city of Hebron (al-Khalil), because people did not know God. The story of Prophet Ishaq very little is told in the Qur'an. Prophet Isaac is mentioned in the Quran 17 times.

The name is derived from the Hebrew Ishaq Yis.h.a-q which means laugh / smile. Said it obtained from his mother, Sarah smiled do not believe it when getting good news from the angel Gabriel.

Before the birth of Isaac, Sarah and her husband, Ibrahim, got the good news from God through the angel Gabriel. In the message the angel Gabriel said that Sarah would bear a son named Ishaq, who would become a prophet. However, Sarah smiled as curious and strange. He felt strange because she and her husband may not be able to give offspring if they are quite old age, namely 90-year-old Sarah and Abraham 120 years. Ishaq was finally born in the city of Hebron in the area Kana'an in 1897 BC.

Ishaq was the second child of Abraham and Sarah after Ismail. Together Ismail, he was becoming his father's successor to preach in the way of Allah. When Abraham was very old, Ishaq not married. Ibrahim did not allow Isaac to marry a woman Kana'an because people do not know God, and strangers to the family. Therefore, Ibrahim ruled a waiter to go to Harran, Iraq and brought a woman from her family. Women are referred to it is Rafqah bint Batuwael bin Nahur, brother Ibrahim who later married denganIshaq.

After 10 years married to Rafqah Ishaq, born two twins. The first child was named Al-Aish and Yaqub born second child by holding his leg. Ishaq was the one of the later born prophets of Bani Israel.

Ishaq died in 1717 BC, at the age of 180 years.
Prophet Isaac in the Qur'an

In Surat Al-Baqarah [2]: verse 133, 136, 140, Allah SWT says:

[2: 133] Did you present when Jacob's arrival (signs) death, when he said to his sons: "What will you worship after me?" They replied: 'We will worship your God and the God of your forefathers, Abraham, Ishmael and Isaac, (ie) God Almighty and we are Muslims submitted to Him. "
[2: 136] Say (O believers): "We believe in Allah and that which is revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and what was given to Moses and Jesus and what was given to the prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between one of them and we are Muslims submitted to Him. "
[2: 140] Or do you (O Jews and Christians) say that Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, is a convert to Judaism or Christianity? "Say:" Are you better knowing or Allah? Who more unjust than those who conceal the creed of God which is in him? "And Allah is not unmindful of what ye do.

In Surat Aali 'Imran (Ali' Imran) [3]: verse 84, Allah SWT says:

Say: 'We believe in Allah and that which was revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob, and their children, and what was given to Moses, Jesus and the prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction -bedakan any of them and unto Him we surrender. "

In the twist-Nisaa '(An-Nisa') [4]: ​​verse 163, Allah SWT says:

Indeed, We have given a revelation to you as We had given revelation to Noah and the prophets that later, and we have given revelation (also) to Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, 'Isa, Ayyub, Jonah, Aaron and Solomon , And We gave the Psalms to David.

In Surah Al-An'aam (Al-An'am) [6]: verse 84, Allah SWT says:

And We have bestowed Isaac and Jacob to him. To each of them We guided; and to Noah before that (also) We guided, and the majority of the offspring (Noah) that David, Solomon, Ayyub, Yusuf, Musa and Harun. Thus do We reward those who do good.

In Surat Hud (Hud) [11]: verse 71, Allah SWT says:

And his wife was standing (behind the curtain) and then he smiled, then we tell him the happy news of (the birth) of Isaac, and Isaac (to be born son) Jacob.

In Surat Yuusuf (Yusuf) [12]: verse 6 and 38, the Word of Allah:

[12: 6] And so the Lord, choose you (to be a Prophet) and taught him to thee some of takbir dreams and perfected His favor unto you and to the family of Jacob, as He perfected His favor to two people your father before it, (that) Abraham and Isaac. Your Lord is Knower, Wise.
[12:38] And I followers of the father-my father is Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Tiadalah inappropriate for us (the Prophet) associate anything with Allah. That is of God's gift to us and to the people (in total); but most people do not appreciate (him).

In Surat Ibraahiim (Ibrahim) [14]: verse 39, Allah SWT says:

Praise be to Allah who has bestowed to me in the old days (ku) Ismail and Ishaq. Indeed, my Lord, truly Hearer (permit) prayer.

In Surat Maryam [19]: verse 49, Allah SWT says:

So when Abraham had distanced himself from them and from what they worship besides Allah, We gave him Isaac and Jacob. And each of them We made a prophet.

In Surah Al-Anbiya (Al-Anbiya ') [21]: verse 72, Allah SWT says:

And We have given unto him (Abraham) Isaac and Jacob, as a boon (rather than Us). And each We made righteous men.

In Surat Al-'Ankabuut (Al-'Ankabut) [29]: verse 27, Allah SWT says:

And We bestowed upon Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and We made the prophethood and the Book in the offspring, and We gave him their replies in the world; and in the hereafter he, actually includes people who are pious.

In Surat Ash-Shaaffaat (As-Saffat) [37]: verse 112 and 113, the Word of Allah:

We gave him the good news of (the birth of) a Prophet Ishaq including those pious. We bestow blessing upon it and upon Ishaq. And among his descendants there who do good (to Allah) who Zalim against itself with the real.

In Surat Shaad (Sad) [38]: verse 45, Allah SWT says:

And remember Our servants Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who have great deeds and sciences high.

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