The story of Prophet Sulayman
Solomon was one of the sons of David King as a very famous. Since childhood he was eleven years old, he already showed signs of intelligence, subtlety, intelligence and rigor in thinking in considering and taking a decision.

Prophet Sulayman A Jury

When David, his father occupied the throne Bani Israil he always mendampinginnya in each of the trial is held to judge actions dealing with disputes and disputes that occur in the community. He was deliberately taken by David, his father attend the proceedings of the judiciary and menyekutuinya in the affairs of the kingdom in order to train and prepare for the crown prince who will replace them lead the empire, when the time comes he must fulfill a divine call to leave this mortal world. And indeed Sulaimanlah the smartest among even older siblings aged thereof.

An event that shows the intelligence and the sharpness of the brain that is happening in one of the trial that he is in attendance. in the trial of the two men came to complain asking the Prophet Daud hear the case of their disputes, namely THAT garden plant of one of the two men had been entered by the goats, cattle friends at night time which resulted in broken perish perkarangannya who had nursed for so long that nears reap , Friend complained that recognizes the truth of his complaints and THAT is ternakannyalah destructive animals-destroyed his garden and perkarangan it.

In case of dispute, David decided THAT as compensation dideritai by the garden owner as a result of the destruction of its neighbors pet goats, then the owner of the goats must surrender their pets to the landowner as compensation caused by kecuaiannya keep animals ternakannya. But Solomon to hear the decision was handed down by his father that it is less precise said to the father: "O my father, by my judgment that decision sepatut reads thus: To the owners perkarangan who perished plants diserahkanlah animal livestock its neighbor to be maintained, for harvest and utilized for its requirements, being perkarangannya who perished was handed over to the neighbor farm owner for the restoration and nursed to return to the original state, then each receive back his property, so that in this way each party no profits or losses of more than duly. "

Kuputusan proposed by Solomon was received favorably by both those who sue and be sued and were greeted by the people who attended the hearing with a sense of awe to the intelligence and cleverness Sulaiman who despite his young age has shown the maturity of thought and courage spawned opinions although not in accordance with the opinion of his father ,
This event is the beginning of the life history of the Prophet Solomon miraculous and prophetic gift of God bestowed to him and to his father David.

Solomon's Throne Occupy kingdom father

Since I was young Solomon was prepared by David to replace him on the throne of the kingdom Singgahsana Bani Israil.
Sulaiman brother named Absyalum not volunteered himself bypassed by his brother .He thought THAT was he who should become crown prince and not a weaker brother and younger age fizikalnya srta not have much experience of living like him. Kerananya he held a grudge against his father, who according to his opinion is unfair and violated his rights as the first heir to the throne of Bani Israil.

Absyalum resolved will memberotak against his father and will fight bermati nail to wrest power from the hands of his father or his brother whatever he must sacrifice to achieve that goal. And in preparation for the draft rebellion is, from far away he tried to approach the people, show compassion and love to them to help resolve the problems they face and unite them under the influence and leadership. It was not uncommon to expand its influence, standing in front of the palace door intercept people who come want to go to the king and taken up issues that they are asking settlement.
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After feel that its effects are widespread among people of Bani Israil and THAT he has managed to captivate largely from them, Absyalum THAT considers the time has come to implement the plan spoils of power and took over power from his father by force. Then he spread his spies throughout the country in inciting the people, and signal-backer backers plan, THAT when they heard the sound of trumpets, they must immediately get together, crowding around and then announcing his appointment as king of Bani Israil replace David his father.

Syahdan one morning at a time when David was sitting in the palace porch talking with the officials and advisers to the government, the people's voice came thundering cheering shouting Absyalum appointment as king of Bani Israil replace David demanded descend from his throne. The state of the city into a mess-stricken bilau riot control and security is not a fight going on everywhere between the pros and the cons with Absyalum power.

Prophet David was saddened to see the commotion and chaos that swept the country, inflicted puterannya own. But he tried to control his emotions and refrain from actions and measures that can add to the severity of the situation. He took the decision to avoid bloodshed unwanted, out to leave the palace and run together workers cross the River Jordan to the Mount of Olives. And so David went out from the city of Jerusalem, sign Absyalum accompanied by his followers into town and immediately occupied royal palaces. While the Prophet David committed istikharah and munajat to God on the Mount of Olives and the taufiq invoke His help in order to save the kingdom and its state of calamity and collapse that resulted from an act of sin son.

After holding istikharah and munajat diligent to God, David finally took the decision to hold a counter-action against his son, and He sent a troop of soldiers from followers who are still loyal to him to Jerusalem to reclaim the royal palace of Bani Israil Absyalum hand. He advised the commander of the troops that will attack and invade the castle, in order to act wisely and to the extent possible to avoid bloodshed and murder unnecessary, especially of Absyalum, son, he ordered that saved his soul and captured alive. But fate had other than determining what the father wanted for her son. The commander who successfully invaded the palace can not do nothing but kill Absyalum that fight and reluctantly gave himself up after he was trapped and surrounded.

Absyalum returned with the murder of David occupied the throne and returned tranquility includes the city of Jerusalem as normal. And after occupying the throne of Bani Israil over forty years wafatlah Prophet David in old age and dinobatkanlah heir Solomon as diwasiatkan by his father.

Over Sulaiman power Jin and Other Creatures

Prophet Solomon who had full power over the kingdom of Bani Israil were widening and widening, Allah has subjected him other creatures, namely Jin wind and the birds, all of which were under his command do what he wanted and perform all command. In addition, God gave him a gift is also a flow of liquid in the form of copper from underground to exploited for building construction works, deeds plates of a pool of water, pot-pot fixed above the furnace is done by His Jin forces.

As one of the miracles given by Allah to Sulaiman is his ability to catch the intent contained in the sound of the animals and vice versa animals can also understand what he says and say.
So then when Prophet Solomon is traveling in a caravan which is composed of human beings, jinn and other animals, leading to a place called Asgalan it through a valley called the valley of ants. There he heard one ant said to his friends: "O ants, enter ye all into the nest, in order that you survived and did not perish trampled by Solomon and tenteranya without her conscious and deliberate.

Prophet Solomon smiled laughed at the sound of frightened ants. He told it to his followers while thanking God for his gift that makes him able to hear as well as capture the intent contained in the ant sound. He felt takjud THAT THAT animals understood God's prophets will not disturb anything being deliberately and in a state of conscious.

Prophet Sulayman and the Queen Balqis

After the Prophet Solomon woke Baitul maqdis and perform the Hajj in accordance with nadzarnya he went to continue his journey to Yeman. On arrival at the San'a - the capital of Yeman, he called the hoopoe bird similar to the woodpecker was told to find a source of water in a dry barren. Turns THAT hoopoe bird had summoned was not among bird area which has always been in place to carry out their duties and orders of Solomon. Prophet Solomon angry and threatened to teach the bird Hud-hud is not present it when it comes up without reason and the real excuse.

Said Hud-hud bird perched in front of Solomon as he bowed his head fear: "I've done reconnaissance flights and find something that is very important to be known by his excellency Mr. I have found a great empire and its pampered Saba controlled and ruled by a queen. I saw a queen was seated on a magnificent throne studded with glittering jewels. I saw the queen and her people do not know God the Creator of the universe who has mengurniakan their enjoyment and happiness in life. They do not worship and bow down to him, but to the sun. They bowed down to him dikala sunrise and sunset. They have been misled by the devils of the straight and true. "

Said Sulaiman told Hud-hud: "Well, this time I forgive your sins because of news that you have brought is that I think is important to note and to certify the truth of your story that, take this letter to Saba and throw into the palace of the queen that you mean it, then come back as soon as possible, while we await further developments how retort queen of Saba on this letter. "
Hoopoe flew back toward the top of Saba and on arrival at the royal palace of King Solomon Saba dilemparkanlah letter right in front of the Queen Balqis sitting majestically on his throne. He was surprised to see a letter fell out of the air right in front of his face. He then lifted his head to look up, wanted to know from where the letter came and who are less respectful threw it right in front of him. Then diambillah letter by the queen, was opened and read its contents, which reads: "In the name of Allah, Most Compassionate, the Merciful, this letter is than me, Solomon. Do not be arrogant toward me and think you are higher than me. Come all to me surrender. "

After reading the letter Prophet Solomon repeatedly Queen Balqis call his superiors and royal advisers gathered to deliberate on what action should be taken in connection with the receipt of the letter of the Prophet Solomon was.
Berkatlah the princes, when asked petimbangannya: "O my lord majesty the queen, we are the sons were brought up and educated to fight and fight and not to be an expert thinker or designers that are worth giving consideration or advice to you. We leave it to you to make decisions that will serve to benefit the kingdom and we will obey and execute all the orders and the decision without hesitation. We will not be afraid to face any threat from anywhere in order to maintain the safety of the dam survival kingdom. "

Queen Balqis said: "I get the impression from your description that you give priority to violence and if necessary you will not flinch enter the battlefield against an enemy who would invade. I am very grateful for your loyalty to the kingdom and willingness risking your own lives to maintain my safety and the safety of my kingdom. But I do not see eye to eye with you all. According to my judgment, more prudent if we follow the path of peace and avoid violence and warfare. Because if we are opposed to violence and a war and our enemy managed to burst in our cities, then nescaya will cause damage and destruction depressing sgt. They will destroy all buildings destroys, enslave people and bereft of all possessions and heritage of our ancestors. Such things are a natural result of every war experienced by the human history of the past to contemporary. Then faced a letter Solomon containing the threat, I'll try to soften his heart by sending a gift kingdom which will consist of items of value and high quality to dazzle his heart and blinding his eyes and I will see how he responds and reaction to my gift and how he received a messenger at his palace.

While Queen Balgis ready set gift royal to be sent to Suleiman and choose those which will be a messenger kingdom brought a gift, came to rest in front of Solomon scouts Hud-hud proclaim him a draft Balqis to send a messenger to bring a gift for him as an answer over his letter to him.
After hearing the news brought by Hud-hud, the Prophet Sulaiman arranges reception envoy Queen Balqis and instruct the djinn forces to provide and build a magnificent building that has no equal yes will dazzle Balqis mission when they arrive.

When the mission Queen Balqis come, diterimalah them with suave by Solomon and after hearing their explanation of the intent and purpose of their arrival at the royal gift carries, Prophet Solomon said: "Come back you with these gifts to ratumu. Tell him THAT Allah has given me sustenance and wealth is abundant and mengurniaiku with bounty and favors that are not given to someone drp His creatures. In addition, I have diutuskan as a prophet and His apostles, and was awarded a vast empire that my power sahaja not apply to human beings but includes also the kind of Jin and animals. So how am I going to be persuaded by the property and a similar gift this? I can not be neglected from the obligation of da'wah Prophethood by possessions and gold although whole earth. You have been blinded by worldly objects and splendor, so you looked great gift you have brought is and think THAT would tersilaulah our eyes with gifts Ratumu. Go ye to it the back and we will send reinforcements THAT powerful army that the country would not be defeated to Saba and will issue ratumu and followers of the country as- people who are abjectly who lost kingdom and greatness, if he does not coming soon meet my demands and surrender to me. "

Balqis mission back to report to the queen what they experienced and what had been said by the Prophet Solomon. Balqis think, the best way to save himself and his kingdom is to give in to the demands of Solomon and came to him at his palace.
Prophet Solomon desire will show the Queen Balqis THAT he has supernatural powers in addition to birth control and that what he had its threatened through the group's mission is not an empty threat. Then ask him to force djinn, who was among those who could bring the throne of the Queen Balqis before his people came to surrender.

Said Ifrit, a djinn tercerdik: 'I can bring to the throne of the palace of the Queen Balqis before you could stand on the spot dudukimu. I was pesuruhmu strong and trustworthy.
Another person who has knowledge and wisdom nyeletuk said: "I will bring it to the throne here before you could close your eyes."
When Prophet Solomon saw the throne Balqis already in front of him, he said: This is one gift God gave me to try out whether I am grateful for the gift of His or deny Him, because whoever was grateful then it is solely for his own good and whoever in the grace and gift of God, he will lose money in the world and in the hereafter, and Allah is Rich of Glory.

Menyonsong arrival of Queen Balqis, Prophet Solomon ordered his men to change a bit the shape and color of the throne of the Queen was already in front of him then after the Queen had arrived along with a retinue, ask Prophet Solomon while menundingkan to the throne: "Similar is this your throne?" Balqis replied: "it is as if this is my throne itself," as he wondered to himself, how unlikely that his throne was here when he was sure tHAT was in the palace throne when he departed leaving Saba.

While Balgis are in a chaotic state of mind, kehairanan see his kingdom had been moved to the palace of Solomon, he was brought into a room that was purposely built for acceptance. The floor and walls are made of white glass. Balqis soon revealed her clothes on her calves while in the room, he thought THAT was above a pool of water that can dampen the body and clothes.

Prophet Solomon said to him:
"You do not have to expose your clothes. You are not above a pool of water. What you see is glass white into the floor and walls of this room. "

"Oh, my God," Balqis said menyedari weakness itself against the greatness and power of God displayed by Prophet Solomon, "I have long lost turned out thy neglect favors and gift-Mu, harm and oppress myself so fallen from light and grace -Your. Please forgive me. I surrender to Your Prophet Sulaiman with sincerity and full confidence. Have mercy on me, O God the Merciful and Most Merciful. "

Such is the story of King Solomon and the Queen of Saba Balqis. And according to provisional commentators and historians prophets, THAT Prophet Solomon eventually marries her wedding Balqis and from there was born a son.
According to the maharaja Ethiopia Abyssinia, they are the descendants of King Solomon, the son of her wedding with the result that Balqis. Wallahu bisshawab nature.

Death of the Prophet Sulayman

The Quran tells THAT there are no signs that indicated the death of Sulaiman except termite eating wand which he docked him when God takes away his spirit. The Jin who is working on building up the command does not know THAT Prophet Solomon was dead until after they saw the Prophet Sulayman fell fell on the floor, due to the fall of the stick back was eaten by termites. Had the Jin already know in advance, they will not stay on with the job they regard as humiliating seksaan.

The stories are linked one to the paragraph that tells the death of Solomon, but because the stories are not supported corroborated by a sound hadith muktamad, then we should stick only to what is narrated by Al-Quran and then it is God who is Knowing and to his surrender us.

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