Initially, the phenomenon of 'Om Telolet Om' is becoming popular and viral after someone uploads a video taken in Jepara. There during the day or in the afternoon there was a little boy who runs home from school stood on the street, then the little boy shouted, "Telolet Om Om" with severity.
There is also a small child holding a paper with the words "Om! Telolet '. The cry was actually directed at a passing bus driver on the highway so that the sound of honking bus with telolet.
Definition of 'Om Om Telolet' truth:
So 'Om' om the point is the bus driver. While the 'Telolet' sounds like it is imitating the sound of the bus horn sounded telolet tolelet telotet. Approximately when written like that sound. In short term 'Telolet Om Om' is a call that is spoken by small children addressed to the bus driver that the bus driver would honk his bus.
The goal 'Telolet Om Om' is so what? Actual aim is only to joke and have fun. Understandably, it's a small child. Perhaps the children were very happy to hear the bus horn sound that is sometimes unique voice.
There is also the record sound the horn, and after recorded directly uploaded to social media and so on until it became viral on the internet. Maybe for the bus mania this is not a new thing for all matters relating to the bus is unique mainly for the horn sound has varied greatly.
But for the layman, this became a trend after seeing the happiness of small children hear the horn sound inter-city buses that pass. The phenomenon of 'OmTelolet Om' is increasingly ngetrend in several regions in Indonesia, not only in Jepara alone. And the fans are no longer just children, but also teenagers and adults.
As reported by the, there have been 10 applications that make the horn sound BUS 'Telolet Om Om'. The application is made by the horn theme Telolet (Big Bus Horn). Telolet Horn, Telolet Recent BUS and many other applications are very easy you get in PlayStore by searching for the keyword 'Telolet'.
For the record, this telolet horn price is quite expensive. Starting from a price of 500 thousands to the price of millions of rupiah. Depending on the level of loudness and also some combinations of sound produced.
Maybe some people are saying that this is a tacky thing, not funny, and does not need to be popularized. But in fact it can make children happy when you say this nation.
Chirp 'Telolet Om Om' was not only in Indonesia social media that become viral. Lots of tweets on social media abroad also say 'Om Om Telolet'. Such as the status of the President-elect Donald Trump also chimed commented on by DJ Ssanke.
There are also explains that Telolet hooter is a bus that was being hunted a number of young children on the island of Java. Just to get the sound, they are willing to wait or chase the bus on the highway, shouting to the driver, "telolet Om Om".
Two world-renowned DJs, DJ Snake and DJ zeed also write in their social media. On Instagram, a number of the account owner from Indonesia too busy to write in the comments, "Telolet Om Om" on Instagram account belonging to Zayn Malik. Apparently, they are a bit pushy in order Zayn Malik also want to write the word 'Om Om Telolet' on his Instagram account.
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