The prophet Zechariah, father of the Prophet Yahya conscious and knowing THAT the members of his family, his brothers, cousins ​​and children of his brother are the bad guys Children of Israel who did not hesitate to violate the Law and commit adultery, because faith and their religious sentiments has not permeated very well in their hearts, so that they could easily be tempted and fall into the valley kemungkaran and disobedience. He khuatir when death arrives and leaves them without an heir to continue his leadership over his people, THAT they will be more damaged and more daring crimes and wickedness there is even a possibility that they make changes in the scriptural law and misuse of laws religion.

Kekhuatiran been disturbing the minds Zakaria in addition to taste distressed THAT he has since kahwin until reaching the age of ninety years, God has not mengurniakannya with a child he dreamed of becoming a replacement for lead and mengimami Bani Israil. He was somewhat comforted of sadness and periods when he kekhuatirannya responsible for maintaining and overseeing Mary which can be regarded as his own child. But her grief and her passion for memperolhi descendants moved back when he witnessed a miracle food dishes dimihrabnya Maryam. THAT he thinks in his heart nothing is impossible in the power of God. God has given sustenance to her in a state of self-helplessness and tried, he also gave him the power descent when He wills despite his age and his hair is full of gray hair.

On a night that has been dissolved sit in mihramnya menghiningkan copyright Zakaria concentrate minds to the greatness of God as bermunajat and prayed fervently and beliefs are unanimous. With a gentle voice berucaplah he was in his prayer: 'Lord give me a son who will inherit mewarisiku and the party of the family of Ya'qub, who will forward the leadership and tuntunanku to Bani Israil. I khuatir THAT sepeninggalanku later members of the family will be broken back aqidah and his faith when I left to die without a leader who will replace me. O my Lord, my bones have become weak and my head was filled with gray being my wife is barren woman but thy power is above all powers and I do not jemu- jemunya pray thee beg thy grace mengurniai you're a pious son who you redhai. "

Allah says Zakaria allow plea: "O Zakariya We give glad tidings to you, you will get a son named Yahya pious that justifies Allah's book became the leader followed by the defenders of lust and temptation of Satan, and will be a prophet."
Zakaria said: "O my Lord! How I would memperolehi children while his wife was a barren woman and myself are advanced in years."

God's answer to his word: "So it is an easy thing for me. Did I have created thee when thou at that time there was nothing at all?"
Zakaria said: "My Lord, grant me to be a sign of the wife THAT I was pregnant." He said: "The sign you THAT you are not able to speak with a man for three consecutive days except by gesture. And celebrate my name as much and exalt a time when evening and morning."

Prophet Yahya bin Zakaria a.s. not much is told by the Quran but THAT he was given knowledge and wisdom while he was still a child and he had a son THAT devote to ora ng both parents and are not arrogant disobedience. He is well-known scholars, sharp minded since he was a young, very keen worshiper who do day and night so influential to his ill-health and make emaciated, his face pale and eyes sunken.

He is known by his people as pious master religious matters, memorized the Torah, so that it becomes a place to ask about the laws of religion. He had the courage to take a decision, not afraid to reviled people nor the dire consequences of the ruling party in its efforts to establish the truth and against falsehood.
He always encouraged people who have sin in order to repent of his sins. And as a sign of their repentance baptized} {baptized in the river Jordan, where until now prevailing habit among people Kristian and because the Prophet Yahya was the first to hold the ceremony, he was nicknamed "John the Baptist".

Narrated THAT Hirodus Palestinian Authorities at the time the child loves his brother named Hirodia, a beautiful girl, beautiful, slender and slim stature and desire to want mengahwininya. The girl along with her mother and all family members menyentujui plan of marriage, but the Prophet Yahya issued fakwa THAT objected that marriage should not be carried out because contrary to the law of Moses, which forbids a child mengahwini own brother.

News Hirodus and Hirodia marriage plans as well as the Prophet Yahya fatwa prohibiting it from spreading throughout the city and became the talk of people in all places where people gather. Herodia the beautiful girl prospective wife was feeling sad mingled angry against the Prophet Yahya who has issued a fatwa forbidding her wedding with the father of his own, which has brought a reaction fatwas and opinions among the public at large. He khuatir THAT his father Herod prospective husband may be affected by the fatwa of the Prophet Yahya and it was forced to cancel the marriage which has been anticipated and coveted, even even already prepared everything in the form of clothing mahupun equipment necessary for the marriage party who agreed it.

Facing fatwa Prophet Yahya and public reaction to it, Herodia not stay silent. He attempted armed with beauty and good looks ayu it affect her future husband the father of his brother in order to plan the marriage conducted according to the plan. With the make-up and dressing that stimulates, he went to visit his father Herod who was hit by a drunken romance. Asked Herod to his brother was his future wife who seems more beautiful than usual: "Hi sweetheart, what can I do for you. Say I will obey any request, coming here at this time is certainly driven by something lavatory urgent want you to tell me. Convey me without hesitation, O my dear, I'm willing to serve all the needs and desires. "

Herodia replied: "If Mr. King is pleased, then I only have one request that pushed me to come visit Tuanku at this time. Request the single is the head of Yahya bin Zakaria people who have screwed up our plans and defamed Mr. King and my name as a family at all places and corners. So he was beheaded. How satisfied my heart and my thanks magnitude, if the lord is pleased to pass this request ".
Herod who have gone crazy and captured his heart by the beauty and elegance Herodia not cry out against demands for his future wife and can not do other than submit to his will by ignoring the voice of conscience and calls sihatnya sense. Thus it is not how long they brought the head of Yahya bin Zakaria covered in blood and placed it in front of his favorite Herodia smiling sign happy and satisfied THAT desire for revenge against Yahya have been fulfilled and the main obstacles that would hinder plans perkahwinannta been eliminated, although his actions were lowered curse of God upon him, himself king and Bani Israil entirely.

Stories about Zakaria and Yahya described above narrated by Al-Quran, surah Maryam paragraph 2 so verse 15, Surah Ali Imran verse 38 senhingga verse 41 and Surah Al-Anbiya 'verse 89 that paragraph 90

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