"Abraham was not a Jew nor a Christian, but he was an upright again surrendered (to Allah) and most certainly not he belonged to the polytheists." (QS. Ali 'Imran: 67)

Ishmael was young when it started its journey towards Allah SWT. His mother took him and put him on the ground, that is the place we now know as the Zamzam well in the Kaaba. When it occupies a very barren and yet there are wells that radiate out from under him. Was not there a drop of water. Abraham left his wife, Hajar, together with small children. "O Ibrahim, where are you going to go away and leave us in this arid valley?" Hajar said. "O Ibrahim, and where you would go and let us? O Ibrahim, where are you going?" The mother repeated what he said. While Abraham silent and did not answer. We do not know exactly how you feel when Abraham left them in a valley that is not in its natural vegetation and beverages. But Allah has ordered him to stay in the valley. Abraham gracefully carry out Allah's command.

In isra'iliyyat stories (stories of fake made by the Children of Israel) said that his first wife, Sarah, was jealous of Hagar, his second wife, and so, Abraham had to keep her and her son. We believe that this story is false and full of lies. If we observe the personality of Prophet Abraham, then we know that he will not be taking orders from anyone other than Allah.
We do not believe that he was caught up in feelings of jealousy feminism and we also do not believe that he deliberately evokes this feeling. We did not think that the glorious personal Sarah will be deceived by the attitude of selfishness. Did not he himself who married Abraham by Hagar, her maid that she get offspring? He realized that he was old and barren woman. He himself is married him and assist in their implementation. He has given and devoting herself to a man whose heart is not filled with love to anyone except the love of the Creator.
Allah says about Sarah and Hagar:
"The mercy of God and His blessing poured upon you, O people of the house! Allah is Most Praiseworthy, Most Merciful. (QS. Hud: 73)
So, the problem is not a matter of jealousy among women, but it is a task that is commanded by Allah Almighty in His wisdom hidden therein. Perhaps Sarah was more surprised than Hajar when Prophet Ibrahim told him to take his son Ishmael and follow it. "Where are you, O Ibrahim to go?" Perhaps the first Hajar asked him and probably also Sarah asks. Prophet Ibrahim was silent and finally the two women were also silent.
There are hidden wisdom which Prophet Ibrahim did not know, and Allah does not explain to her. She did not know ye that as they both do not know. So both only silence as a form of moral of the wives of the prophet. Here Hajar alone with their children in the isolated and barren valley, where he did not know the secret behind the place. This is Ismail, who began his journey towards Allah while still breastfeeding. He endured the test as a child and also a test for his father, where he had a child when older. Abraham realized that people do not have anything in him. And someone with a love of Allah SWT will give himself to God and will give what is preferred by him to God without having to be asked. That is the law of love within. We do not believe that the Prophet Ibrahim to know why he had to leave Ishmael and his mother in that place. We do not think that Allah had told him. Allah only lose orders and Ibrahim just stick to it. This is where the test looks rigors and difficulties. This is where the most love in the disclosed, and this is where pure love is poured.

Allah to test His beloved Ibrahim with a very hard test, in which the parents are generally heavy to do it. It does not mean that the love of Allah to Abraham and to his love Ibrahim Ibrahim made no feelings of humanity. The strength of her love for Allah instead make a sea of ​​human feelings, even the oceans are not trimmed. His feelings towards Ismail larger, softer, and more loving than any feelings towards her father. Nonetheless, he was willing to leave it in the deserts because Allah ordered it. There was a struggle within himself but he was able to pass his test and he chose love of Allah than the love of his son.
When Abraham showed tremendous love of the rights to his son, then Allah ordered him to slaughter. Allah SWT that only He is at the center of his prophets love. Whoever loves Allah, then he must love the truth and those who love the truth is a person fill his heart with love for the Creator alone. Ismail inherited his father's patience. Abraham prayed to God before:
"My Lord, anugerahkanlah me (a child) which includes people who are righteous" (QS. Al-Saffat: 100)
Allah said:
"So We gave him the glad tidings of a boy who is very patient." (QS, ash-Saffat: 101)
The same patience that contained his father, the same kindness, the same piety, and etiquette of the same prophetic anyway. Ismail get the first test when he was small, and the test was ended when Allah emitting Zamzam of her legs so that her mother drank and suckled. Ismail then get a second test in his life when he stepped on youth:
"And when the child reached (the age could) tried together Ibrahim, Ibrahim said: O my son! I saw in a dream that I sacrifice. Instead, think about what you think! ' He replied: 'O my father, do what you are commanded thee: Allah willing, thou shalt find me of the steadfast. "(QS. Al-Saffat: 102)
What do you think of answers to the child? He did not ask about the nature of the dream, and he did not argue with his father about the truth of the dream, but he said: "O my father deliver it what was ordered." Do not be nervous because I and thou shalt not show sadness and lament. "You will find me among those who wait." So the answer to a virtuous son terha dap godly father. That was the highlight of the patience of a child and his parents certainly more to be patient. It was like a race between the two to test who among them most patient. The race whose goal is to win the love of Allah.
Allah says:
"And mention (O Muhammad to them) the story of Ishmael (mentioned) in the Qur'an. Indeed, it is a true promise, and he was an apostle and a prophet. And he instructed his family to pray and give charity, and he is a man who approves of their Lord. " (QS. Maryam: 54-55)
Ismail lived in the Arabian peninsula in accordance with the will of Al lah SWT. Ismail keeps horses and entertained him and use it to its requirements. Zamzam water is very helpful while people who live in that area. Then most of the caravan settle there and some of the tribes living in that place. Ishmael grew up and married. His father, Abraham, visit and do not find in the house, but he only found his wife. Prophet Ibrahim asked him about their lives and their circumstances. His wife complained to her about the narrowness of life and its difficulties. Abraham said to him: "If your husband comes, then ordered him to change the entrance doors."

When the Prophet Ismail to come, and his wife told him about the arrival of a man, Ismail said: "It was my father, and he ordered me to leave, then return you to your family." Then the Prophet Ismail marry a second woman. Prophet Ibrahim visited his second wife and asked him about the situation. Then he told her that they were in a state of good and blessed with favors. Abraham's wife satisfied with this and indeed it fits with his son. Perhaps Abraham uses his spiritual abilities and light that is able to reveal its mystery. Prophet Ibrahim Ismail prepare for the task is huge. That is a task that requires hard work and time humanity wholly wholly and entirely forget.
Ismail becomes large and reaches its strength. Prophet Ibrahim came. There comes the time to explain the wisdom of Allah which has occurred of cases that vague. Prophet Ibrahim said to Ismail: "O Ismail, verily Allah ordered me a commandment" when it came to the command Abraham to slaughter, he explained the matter to him vividly. And now he was about to propose another same command that he gained confidence that Ismail would help. We are in the presence of command is more important than the slaughter. Commands that do not respect the prophet private but with respect to the creatures.
Ismail said: "Carry out what the Lord commanded you." Abraham said: "Will you help me?" Ismail replied: "Yes, I'll help you." Abraham said: "Verily, Allah ordered me to build a house here." Prophet Ibrahim waved his hand and pointed to a high hill there.
Finished the job. The command has been implemented with the establishment of the holy Baitullah. It was the first house built for Man on Earth. He was the first home in which people worship God. And because Adam was the first man down to earth, the primacy of development back to him. The scholars said: "Adam built it and he did tawaf around him like the angels who circumambulate around the Throne of Allah SWT.
Prophet Adam to build a camp in which he worshiped Allah. It is not unusual for the Prophet Adam-as a Prophet to build a house for the worship of Allah. The place was filled with grace. Then the Prophet Adam died and the centuries to pass, so the house was gone and hidden place. Abraham then get an order from God to build a second time so that the house was still standing until doomsday with Allah's permission. Abraham began to build the Kaaba. Kaaba is a collection of rocks that is not harmful and does not provide benefits. He does more than just stones. Nonetheless, it is a symbol of Islamic monotheism, and purgatory to Allah SWT. Adam has a high monotheism and Islam is absolute. Abraham also included a sincere Muslim and he was not among the polytheists.
Rocks the house had been built on the reassurance and peace of Prophet Adam Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Ismail love and patience and sincerity. Therefore, when you enter the Haram you will feel a wave of very deep peace. Sometimes the first time you see yourself and do not see their home and their caregivers. And perhaps you look at the house a second time, but you do not see yourself and your Lord. When you go to Hajj you will not see yourself and the house that you see only the custodian of the house. It is essential Hajj. This is the first wisdom of building the Kaaba.
Allah says:
"And (remember) when Ibrahim exalt (nurture) the foundations of the House together with Ismail (praying): 'Our Lord, accept from us (we abide), verily Thou art the All-Hearing, All-Knowing. Our Lord, make us both people are submissive and obedient to You and (make) among children and grandchildren of our people submissive unto thee, and show us the ways and places of pilgrimage us, and accept repentance us. Truly you are the one who is Oft repentance Merciful. our Lord, send to them a messenger from among them who shall recite to them verses you, and teach them the Book (Qur'an) and al-Hikmah (Sunnah) and sanctify them. Verily thou Mighty, Wise. "(Qur'an, al-Baqarah: 127-129)

Kaaba is composed of rocks on earth where it is used as a foundation by Abraham and Ishmael. History tells us that he had demolished more than once that he had several times rebuilt. He remained standing since the time of Prophet Ibrahim till today. And when the Prophet Muhammad was sent -as evidence pengkabulan prayer of Abraham-he mendapad Kaaba was the last time, and effort devoted by the people who built it are very limited in where they do not dig dig essentially as the Prophet Ibrahim. From this we understand that Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Ismail harsh energies that can not be matched by thousands of men. Rasulullah saw has insisted that if not for the proximity of the ignorance and fears of the future people will charged him with various accusations if he destroy it and rebuild it, surely he wants to tear it down and bring it back to the foundation of the Prophet Ibrahim.
It's both noble prophet, has devoted hard labor in construction. They both dig the foundation because it lands on earth. They broke the rocks of the mountain is quite far and near, and then after that move it and flattening it and build it. Of course it requires hard labor of a few men, but they were both built it together. We do not know how much time is used to build the Kaaba, as we do not know the time used to make Noah's boat. The important thing is, that the ship of Noah and the Kaaba equally as human shelter and a place that bring security and peace. Kaaba is Noah's boat, which remained on the earth forever. He was always waiting for those who desire the salvation of awesomeness hurricanes were always threatening at any moment.
Allah does not tell us about the time of construction of the Ka'bah. Allah only tell things that are more important and more useful. He talked about the sanctity of life of people who built it and when building their prayers:
"Our Lord, accept from the hand (our deeds), verily Thou art the All-Hearing, All-Knowing." (Qur'an, al-Baqarah: 127)
That was the turning sincerity of people who are sincere, obedience obedient people, frightened people who fear and love the people who love:
"Our Lord, make us both the submissive unto Thee and (make) of our grandson's people submissive unto Thee." (QS. Al-Baqarah: 128)
Indeed, Muslims are the greatest on earth at that time, they pray to Allah for making them, including those who surrender to Him. They know that the human heart is so close to ar-Rahman (Allah). They will not be able to avoid the deceit of Allah SWT. If so, they reveal the purity of worship only to Allah, and they build a house of Allah and ask Him to accept their work.
Furthermore, they asked for Islam (submission) to Him and grace descend on them where they pray to Allah Almighty to grant them the descendants of Muslims. They want to be the number of people who worship and those who bow and prostrate and more. Indeed prayer Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Ismail had disclose the contents of a believer. They built the house of Allah and at the same time they are occupied with the faith (belief). It was hinted that the house as a symbol of faith.
"And show us the ways and places of pilgrimage us, and accept our repentance. Indeed, You are the Oft repentance, Most Merciful." (Qur'an, al-Baqarah: 128)
Hold up to us how to worship you prefer. Hold up to us how we worship Thee on earth. And accept our repentance. Truly you Oft repentance and Merciful. After that, their concern beyond the period they lived in it. They prayed to Allah SWT:
"Our Lord, send to them a messenger from among them who shall recite to them verses you, and teach them the Book (Qur'an) and Al-Hikmah (Sunnah) and purify them . Verily thou Mighty, Wise. "(Qur'an, al-Baqarah: 129)

Finally, the prayers were answered when Allah sent Muhammad bin Abdillah saw. Prayer is realized after a period-by-period. Finished the construction of the Kaaba and Abraham wanted a special stone that will be the special mark where tawaf around the Kaaba will start from him. Ismail has energies beyond the ability of ordinary human beings. He worked with great enthusiasm as a form of obedience to the command of his father. When he returned, the Prophet Ibrahim had been put in its place the Black Stone. "Who brought it (stone) to you, O my father?" Abraham said: "Gabriel who brought it." Finished construction of the Ka'bah and the people of the Oneness of Allah and the Muslims began bertawaf in the vicinity. Prophet Ibrahim stood in a state of praying to the same God with the prayer that is read previously, namely that Allah had made humans tend to be on the spot:
"So make the hearts of some people tend to them." (QS. Ibrahim: 37)
Due to the influence of the prayer, Muslims feel a deep love for the visit Baitul Haram. Everyone who visited the Grand Mosque and returned to his country he will feel the longing for that place. The farther he is increasing his longing for her. Then came the pilgrimage season in each year, the heart filled with love in the House will soon see and thirst towards Zamzam will soon be satisfied. And more importantly than all of that is a deep love for God, Baitullah and the Zamzam well, namely, the Lord of the universe. Allah says regarding the people who argue with Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Ismail:
"Abraham was not a Jew nor a Christian, but he was an upright again surrendered (to Allah) and most certainly not he belonged to the polytheists." (QS. Ali 'Imran: 67)
Allah answered the prayers of Abraham and he who first named us as Muslims. Allah says:
"And He is by no difficulties on you in religion. (Follow) the religion of Abraham your parents. He has named you Muslims and the past." (Qur'an, al-Hajj: 78)

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