Exemplary Stories of the Prophet ILYAS as sent by Allah. to remind the Children of Israel who Kufr, namely the local residents Baalbek, a blood in Lebanon. They worship the idol named Baal. Ilyas is the fourth descendant of the Prophet Aaron. He is the son of Yasin bin Fanhash bin Aizar son of Aaron. He preaches that his people would leave their bad habits of idolatry. Prophet Elias repeatedly warned, but they never bothered. Realizing his people did not obey his call, Prophet Elias asked for Allah. lowered his doom. Then a drought hit the country Baalbek. The story of Prophet Elias is not much related in the Qur'an. Ilyas name only called four times, namely in surah al-An'am verse 85 and Surah as-Saffat verse 123, 129 and 130.

Because the Prophet Elias ungodly, Allah. lowering the punishment in the form of a long drought for three consecutive years. All plants and animals die of starvation. The Prophet Elias finally realized their mistake. They were willing to leave worshiping idols and promised never again. Because they are aware, the Prophet Elias pleading to Allah. that rained down into the middle of his people. But after enjoying the prosperity of life, the Prophet Elias back dissenter. Knowing kufr his people, Prophet Elias also pray that Allah SWT. pull back the blessings that have been devoted to his family, and they return the disaster was even more devastating than the previous disasters.

Idols BAAL
Prophet Elias got an assignment from Allah. to sensitize the Children of Israel who prefer to worship the idols of Baal. Ilyas reminded his people that the idols they worship a god that's not the truth. He also called them fear Allah. Who created the universe, and confirms that Allah SWT. is the God of their predecessors. But the Children of Israel deny the appeal Ilyas. The story of Prophet Elias who warned his people that there are in the Qur'an Surah as-Saffat verses 124-127.

Elisha NABI US
Prophet Elias has an adopted son named Elisha. He often accompanied the Prophet Elias in his duties preaching, especially when the Prophet Elias was the age old. After the Prophet Elias died, Allah. Elisha sent his father to continue the task of conveying propaganda to his people proud of it.

Baalbek is a city that is now in Lebanese territory. At the time of the Prophet Elias, the city was inhabited by the Phoenicians, a nation famous sailor. This nation Baal worship idols. Sampaisekarang there an altar building named Heliopolis which is believed to be the worship of the Phoenicians Baal. Baalbek town name itself is taken from the name of Baal, the god of the Phoenicians.

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