After God swtmenciptakan earth with mountains, oceans and sea-growth - its growth, creates the sky with the sun, moon and the stars which shine creating a kind of angels are spirits yangdiciptakan to worship a mediator between Substance Almighty by servant -hamba especially the apostles and prophets then came the will of Allah swt to create a kind of other beings who will inhabit and populate the earth maintain enjoyed vegetation, manage the wealth hidden in it and breed hereditary heir-inherited all time which was destined for him.
Concerns Angels.
The angels when notified by Allah s.w.t. His will create another creature, they khuatir lest God's will create another creature that, due to their faux pas or negligence in worship and performing their duties or because of the offense they did unwittingly. Said they to Allah: "O our Lord! Why would God create a being other than us, but we always exalt, bertahmid, worship and glorify thy name endlessly, being creatures of God will be created and sent down to the earth , nescaya will fight with each other, kill each other would-kill stampeding holding the natural wealth are visible above and buried in it, so it shall be the damage and destruction on the earth that God created it. "
God said, eliminating the angels kekhuatiran:
"I know what you do not know and I alone know the wisdom of the Children of Adam mastery over the earth-Ku.Bila I have created him and breathed his spirit to, prostrate you before the new creature as a tribute and not as the prostration of worship, because Allah swt prohibits His servants to worship his fellow creatures. "
Then Adam was created by God s.w.t.dari lump of clay, dry and black mud berbentuk.Setelah enhanced form ditiupkanlah spirit of God's creation into it and stood upright human being perfect
Dissent devil.
Satan rebellious and reluctant to obey God as other angels, who immediately prostrate before Adam as a tribute to the creatures of God who will be given the mandate to rule the earth with all that lives and grows on it and buried in dalamnya.Iblis feel themselves more noble , more mainstream and more glorious than Adam, because he was created from the element of fire, while Adam from the ground and lumpur.Kebanggaannya with its origins, makes him arrogant and feel inferior to prostrate respect Adam as the other angels, though ruled by God.
The Lord said to Satan: "What prevents you prostrate respect something that I created with my hands?"
He said: "I was more noble and superior to dia.Engkau created me from fire and created him from mud."
Because of pride, haughtiness and defiance prostration commanded, God punish Satan cast out of heaven and get it out of the ranks of angels, accompanied by curses and damnation that will be attached to the kiamat.Di pd.dirinya addition, he stated as inhabitants of hell.
Satan arrogantly accepted the punishment of God is and he just begged him given the opportunity for eternal life until the day of resurrection in the petition and ditangguhkanlah kiamat.Allah pass it until the day of resurrection, not thankful and grateful for the provision of guarantees that, contrary he threatened to mislead Adam, as since the ouster him from heaven and the issuance of the friezes of angels, and will overtake the children of the offspring from every angle to persuade them to leave the straight path and with him taking the wrong path, getting them to do immoral and stuff forbidden, tempting them to neglect religious instruction and influence them not to be grateful and pious charity.
Then God said to Satan cursed:
"Go thou together followers followers that everything will be the contents of Hell and fuel neraka.Engkau are powerless to mislead my servants who have believed in me with all her heart and had a steady aqidah that will not be shaken by your line though thou using all kepandaianmu sedition and defamatory. "
Adam Knowledge About Objects Names.
God wants to dispel the notion lower angels against Adam and convince them of the truth of His wisdom appoint Adam as ruler of the earth, then diajarkanlah Adam the names of objects that are in the universe, then diperagakanlah objects in front of the angels while: " just try out for my name mentioned objects, if you're right
Concerns Angels.
The angels when notified by Allah s.w.t. His will create another creature, they khuatir lest God's will create another creature that, due to their faux pas or negligence in worship and performing their duties or because of the offense they did unwittingly. Said they to Allah: "O our Lord! Why would God create a being other than us, but we always exalt, bertahmid, worship and glorify thy name endlessly, being creatures of God will be created and sent down to the earth , nescaya will fight with each other, kill each other would-kill stampeding holding the natural wealth are visible above and buried in it, so it shall be the damage and destruction on the earth that God created it. "
God said, eliminating the angels kekhuatiran:
"I know what you do not know and I alone know the wisdom of the Children of Adam mastery over the earth-Ku.Bila I have created him and breathed his spirit to, prostrate you before the new creature as a tribute and not as the prostration of worship, because Allah swt prohibits His servants to worship his fellow creatures. "
Then Adam was created by God s.w.t.dari lump of clay, dry and black mud berbentuk.Setelah enhanced form ditiupkanlah spirit of God's creation into it and stood upright human being perfect
Dissent devil.
Satan rebellious and reluctant to obey God as other angels, who immediately prostrate before Adam as a tribute to the creatures of God who will be given the mandate to rule the earth with all that lives and grows on it and buried in dalamnya.Iblis feel themselves more noble , more mainstream and more glorious than Adam, because he was created from the element of fire, while Adam from the ground and lumpur.Kebanggaannya with its origins, makes him arrogant and feel inferior to prostrate respect Adam as the other angels, though ruled by God.
The Lord said to Satan: "What prevents you prostrate respect something that I created with my hands?"
He said: "I was more noble and superior to dia.Engkau created me from fire and created him from mud."
Because of pride, haughtiness and defiance prostration commanded, God punish Satan cast out of heaven and get it out of the ranks of angels, accompanied by curses and damnation that will be attached to the kiamat.Di pd.dirinya addition, he stated as inhabitants of hell.
Satan arrogantly accepted the punishment of God is and he just begged him given the opportunity for eternal life until the day of resurrection in the petition and ditangguhkanlah kiamat.Allah pass it until the day of resurrection, not thankful and grateful for the provision of guarantees that, contrary he threatened to mislead Adam, as since the ouster him from heaven and the issuance of the friezes of angels, and will overtake the children of the offspring from every angle to persuade them to leave the straight path and with him taking the wrong path, getting them to do immoral and stuff forbidden, tempting them to neglect religious instruction and influence them not to be grateful and pious charity.
Then God said to Satan cursed:
"Go thou together followers followers that everything will be the contents of Hell and fuel neraka.Engkau are powerless to mislead my servants who have believed in me with all her heart and had a steady aqidah that will not be shaken by your line though thou using all kepandaianmu sedition and defamatory. "
Adam Knowledge About Objects Names.
God wants to dispel the notion lower angels against Adam and convince them of the truth of His wisdom appoint Adam as ruler of the earth, then diajarkanlah Adam the names of objects that are in the universe, then diperagakanlah objects in front of the angels while: " just try out for my name mentioned objects, if you're right
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