Lampung Travel

Who is not familiar with this one the province of Lampung. Its strategic location at the tip of Sumatra island and the capital Bandar Lampung Named or also called as city Berseri filter. the north is directly adjacent to Bengkulu Province and South Sumatra.

On 18 March 1964 Lampung Province was born of an underlying on fixing government regulations with the number 3/1964 which is then converted into Law No. 14 of 1964. Previous Lampung is still in residency with the South Sumatra. Because Lampung has a huge potential which has its own cultural diversity thus broaden the Indonesian culture richer.

Not only in terms of custom and culture who has a style of its own at this Lampung province. But dozens of places you should visit in Lampung, by presenting Asri natural feel and beauty that makes you will never forget and do not want to move from Such Tourism. for those of you who want to visit the various Tourist Attractions in Lampung and was looking for the info, we have provided various Travel options that you can make the best choice traveled, the following:
1. Pantai Pasir Putih

This beach has long been known as a place of recreation for families, so that could be the best option for those of you who do not want away from the city of Bandar Lampung is only about 20km or more or less about 20 minutes to get to the tour.

As the name suggests is a sprawling beach of fine white sand that will certainly make your eyes adorned with natural beauty beach atmosphere, with a cool breeze and trees which in turn make you want to enjoy every second of beautiful nature here.
2. Teluk Kiluan
For this second order that Kiluan Bay has become a place that has many known outside the province of Lampung alone. Because by visiting Kiluan you will experience a unique, the article you can see dolphins up close in direct habitat. Not only that, you will here in suguhkan beauty of the beach will not find anywhere else youÃ. It is suitable for various activities Camping or the other. Anyway really exciting !!
3. Taman Nasional Way Kambas

One of the next tourist spot that you should visit is the Way Kambas National Park. These tours can you make as a Tourism Education together with the child's family, because here you will be able to see directly the largest animal that has a trunk and live in a very wide area.

In addition you can also see other Animals that are already threatened with extinction such as Sumatran tigers and Sumatran rhinoceros. various attractions like elephant can you nikamti elephant football, elephant ride, and others. to get to the location can be taken for about 2 hours from the port city of Lampung. Definitely your child happy deh, traveled education in this place.4. Danau Ranau

Not only famous for its beaches, it turns out Lampung has a very beautiful lake called Lake Ranau. Even Lake Ranau is the second largest lake after Lake Toba. The location itself is quite far on the border with the southern Sumatera Lampung.

Here you can enjoy keindahaan lake is very beautiful, but you can also stay overnight as well as looking at the beauty of Lake Ranau is from the summit of Mount Seminung. certainly cool Deh !!
5. Menara Siger

When you arrive at the port of Bakauheni and stared at one of the mountains will surely see a building that is golden brown. Yes it's a tower siger which is also one of the icons of Lampung Province.

Siger tower is very look beautiful stands on a hill which is also the Zero Point of a street in the Trans Sumatra Lampung. Well, for those of you who want to enjoy keindahana this building and could see the view from the top of the hill of course you have to buy tickets or the cost of motor vehicle parakeets. Quiet, not really expensive !! Cobain dong came here pretty exciting !!
6. Air Terjun Putri Malu

Lampung province is indeed very rich, Start of mores that has its own culture as well as tourist attractions beautiful beaches. and turns in Lampung also presents the beauty of the waterfall soothing eye named Niagara Putri Malu, indeed of his name is rarely heard. which makes the name Putri Malu is a form of waterfalls berkelong as timid, to a height of about 80 meters waterfall and surrounding atmosphere was filled with a tree in the amount of green, pictured right, how cool location Travel this one? You can also make this place for other exciting activities such as rock climbing, camping and trekking. According to the experience of the visitors who have come here, not only the beautiful scenery that you can only see, but sometimes you'll find a plant that tastes sour Wild Strawberry Fresh. How, Cool huh sights Malu Niagara's daughter?

7. Gunung Krakatau 
In order to 7 is a tourist spot located in the Sunda Strait. Mount kerakatu not only presenting the beauty of the mountains, but also could even become one of the sights Bahari. kerakatu Gubung historically erupted in 1883 which separates the islands of Sumatra and Java. And now Mount kerakatu has become a place of nature conservation, so as to get into your site must have a license, and to get it to get in the hall youà Lampung conservation.

8. Taman Wisata Lembah Hijau 

These attractions can say is new due to start operating the 2006 which has a land area of 30 hectares, suguhkan concept in this tourist spot is a nature reserve, culture, and customs. here you can enjoy a variety of recreation or water games like water boom, and a mini zoo, so that you can make one of your favorite places with friends.

To be able to enjoy a variety of beauty wildlife parks and recreational parks you must have admission you can get a price of 10,000 rupiah / person. Then if you want to enjoy water games like Water Boom tikrt longer have to buy at a price of Rp 35,000 rupiah per person. Sure you happy family traveled to this place?9. Pantai Tanjung Setia 

If this one is perfect tourist spot for you who like to surf, What are you doing all the way to Bali when in Lampung also exist. Tanjung Setia Beach is located on the west side of the province of Lampung, who was already famous for the best waves in the world. to take from the port city of Lampung is quite far which is about 270 KM so as to be able to reach the location to spend time traveling 6 hours. but this time will be paid with beauty and good waves for surfers.

10. Taman Purbakala Pugung Raharjo

Other Educational Travel in Lampung are located archaeological park located in the village Pugung Raharjo. Archeological Park of this city within 52 Km from the city float, as the name suggests here you can see a variety of historical objects such as ancient stone tombs, stone table, altar stones, corpses, and others. For you young is less in interest, but this is a good Travel for your child to know the history of Archaeology.

11. Pantai Sari Ringgung

This beach is still new because it began in the open in 2015, to its location in the middle of the road to the beach after mutun and before Klara. the interesting part of this beach is the sand that is naturally arises is in the middle of the ocean. The amenities and exciting rides that you can play like a boat cafe resto, Krakatoa view, futsal and beach floating mosque. To get to the place you can rent a raised sand Boats that can be found easily on the pier.

12. Pulau pahawang

Supposedly Attractions Lampung is in first place, because the island is currently Pahawang hits and become the talk of many people and not only the people of Lampung alone but in many other cities outside the province of Lampung.

Pahawang Island presents a very beautiful marine park so that it can be one of the best snorkling to foreign countries. The location is in the district Punduh Pidada Pesawaran precisely located in the district. The area of the park is approximately 1,084 hectares divided into two islands namely Pulau Pahawang Pahawang large and small islands. To be able to reach the site only takes about 1.5 hours from the city of Lampung city dock to Ketapang and in terukan crossing by boat to the island Pahawang great. You can stay here you can get at an affordable price.

13. Air Terjun Curup Tujuh

Located in the village of Padang District Margajaya queen, to be able to reach the location you should only take about 2 hours from Mount Sugih. The location itself is still in Protected forest areas, you can use four-wheel vehicles in order to reach the site with ease and then forwarded using the Motor Trail. So, prepare Physical Prima you to enjoy excitement Curup Tujuh Waterfalls !!

14. Pulau Condong

This tourist spot is still not known many people, this Lean Island is one of the sights that is located in Bandar Lampung bypass lane 1km-Bakauheni. This tourist travel menyguhkan Natural pristine, as the name of the island forms a cone-like dome on the domination of various plants, hills and slopes. here you can enjoy the fun rides such as rock climbing, hiking and sports that are natural challenges. Surely you will feel at home here because the water is very clear, natural beach atmosphere as well as playing on the beach with white sand feast for the eyes.

15. Kawasan Kalianda

Where this one is one of the attractions or tourist spot has its own beauty which is owned by the District of South Lampung. Districts with up to 200km coastline has always been a holiday destination for tourists. Here you can see the beauty of the bay beach besides various other interesting tourist places you can visit such as the National Heroes Cemetery in Radin Inten II, Way Sulfur, Batu Kapal Beach, Coastal Canti, and Bald Mountain Beach or Turkish Journalists. various beach resorts could also be your best option in a tour like Krakatoa travel, Trump Resort, Krakatoa, Peacock Beach Belantung, Hot Trump Way, Way Sulfur Simpur, and Laguna Beach Helau. Well, if you are currently located in the Trump make sure to go to all the places Travel proficiency level. In the guarantee really exciting !!
16. Pantai klara

One of the beaches that you must visit is the Turkish Klara, here certainly secure deh !! because it is managed by the Navy which was previously named the New Gulf. Klara name is an abbreviation of coconut Rapet circa 1982-1984. As the name suggests this beach filled with coconut trees, which makes Rapet is the distance between the tree and the other one is just a 3M which only has an area of 5 hectares of gardens. a variety of exciting games you can enjoy like a banana boat. For other activities may also like tent or outbound schoolchildren and canoe rides. Seru deh !!

17. Pantai Mutun dan Pulau Tangkil

Lampung indeed there is a lot of tourism options Beautiful beaches, to the order of 17 to the beach mutun and Tangkil island just 10km from the port city of Lampung, located in the district of Padang Cermin Pesawaran Lampung regency. Some complete facilities can be found here like Camping, Boat Cano, Water boom, Banana Boat, and resto.

In addition you can enjoy the beauty of the island Tangkil using a boat to the island of the cost is cheap, only Rp 10,000 / person. This tangkil Island any time you can swim at the beach with the water clean and clear.
18. Pantai Gigi Hiu

These sights sounds sinister, but its beauty is not as scary as the name implies. Because here is perfect for photographers who present the beauty of sharp stones and high to be an attraction tesendiri and will not be able to find on any Travel. for their own location precisely in Tanggamus region (near the bay Kiluan).

19. Laguna Dodo

To be able to reach the location to place Laguna Dodo travel must possess excellent condition due to the difficult terrain and the road is quite steep should you pass, approximately 3km from the island Kiluan. The main attraction of this tourism is a natural pond in the interest of many nature lovers. In addition to having excellent conditions, you also need to set up adequate provisions in this tourist location because there are no stalls.

20. Tanjung Putus, Pulau Tegal, Maitem

In this last sequence is a tourist spot called Tanjung severed, and maitem tegal island which is the third area where the coolest dive spot in Lampung. in third place was also there have preformance trough and has a beautiful coral reef with in buni pretty Neon fish as occupants.

Very obligation to bring the kids when visiting these places because it is dangerous, just a few meters from the shoreline troughs are located.

You can feel the excitement here, as a special attraction that will tidaka ana find anywhere else. Naturally, in this place is never empty of visitors both local and foreign wistawan.
21. Pantai Embe (Merak Belantung)

About 2004 Name Embe beach is still called Merak Belantung kemudain changed its name to Embe Beach, location is in the village of Merak Belantung, Trump, the Trans Sumatera KM 45. To reach the location very easily with the use of a motor vehicle, for the more easily you could follow the Trans Sumatra port of Bakauheni penyebranagn which only takes about 35 minutes.

The beach is very cool and lots of shade trees so you can enjoy the beauty of the beach without fear of overheating. With white sand hamparas will be adding a beautiful view of the blue sea. You can swim here and also provided rental Ban as a lifebuoy, Quite enjoyable trip to this place.
22. Pantai Wartawan

If you usually pay a visit to a beach of course you will be in suguhkan with kindahan sea and sand, but in contrast to Turkish journalist who presents a different beauty. because it can say at this beach unique because there is a lot of smoke which also menymburkan hot water coming out of the rocks surrounding the beach. Which is the source of hot water is of reasoned point of the spring. as we know generally hot springs can be found in the mountains and away from the beach.

Loakasi Beach This reporter is in Muli Way. Trump about 14 KM from the coast path past Canti and 30 meters from the intersection Gayam on line Bakauheni - Bandar Lampung.

23. Pulau Mengkudu dan Pulau Sekepel

Is a small island that does not exist penguhuni lokasinua located in the village of Batu Balak, District Rajabasa. around 80s, there was a lot of phon noni in this tourist location, it had been the name of this tourist spot Noni Island. however saatini pulasi which only has an area of 2 hectares in tumbuhi the mangrove trees.

Which is unique to the island noni is the Sand arises in use as a liaison from the Noni Island and Sumatra Island. However, this raised the sand will not be visible if the sea water was high tide.

This beach has its own charm that has become an entertainment for visitors. With the suguhkan soothing colors of green and blue sea spread widely because of clear sea water. The location is in the region of South Lampung
24. Sumber Air Panas Way Belerang Kalianda

One of the exotic places that were in the southern Lampung Way Sulfur serving a hot water bath wsiata sourced from sulfur water straight out from between the bottom of the pool. there is also a water source pasana the plunge of gung Rajabasa Trump southern Lampung. To be mencpai location of Lampung city only takes about 2 hours to cover a distance of 65 KM

More precisely the location of sulfur Way is located on the slopes Rajabasa, which brings a cool atmosphere, with lots of green trees tehampar.
25. Kebun Karet Karang Anyar

A beautiful view indeed can invite more people to come. As one of the Gardens Rubber Karang Anyar. Not just Kebon rubber, this location is now popular because it presents a very nice sight to be made Backround Selfie.

Here you can enjoy keidahan with while roads, Take a picture together with your friends. The best time to take the most beautiful moment and a lot of people around doing sports activities at the site is in the morning or precisely at 06.00 morning, because you will feel a coolness from fog at this location.
26. Batu Granit Tanjung Bintang

Aside from being a region known as the coal producers bungur are indeed very beautiful. Tanjung Bintang has a charm turns Equally wonderful, especially for hunters and Photography sites namely Taman Batu Granite. In the past this place to be the location of the camp and a lot of visitors but around the 2000s neglected and alarming.

Now with Social Media can quickly share experiences beriwisata to this location, now starting in the interest again. Here, you can take photos with the beauty of the stone as composed and enjoy the beautiful scenery around him. The location where this resort is located in Tanjung Bintang, about 25 km from the center of the city of Bandar Lampung. Track: Jl. P. Antasari - Tirtayasa Jl - Jl Sutami - White Pal Market Tanjung Bintang - Turn right onto Purwodadi village.
27. Tanjung Tuha 

Tanjung Tuha hear the name may sound familiar to most Indonesian society. at this place you will get a very beautiful view and very suitable in use as Selfie Photo Backround. With the color of the sea and the sky blend will create magnificent scenery. To reach this location if Bakauheni out of the harbor you'll find the T-junction. nah you take that and turn left until you find the Scenic Cape Tuha Directive.
28. Pulau Balak, Lok, dan Lunik

The three islands can say these places rarely knows even a little is visiting. This may be caused location far enough away even further from Pahawang and Kelagian. of course with a sparse crowd in the know then where this tour is very unspoiled. Here there is also a cottage on the island of Balak, but has not quite maintained. like the other beach resorts, where you can enjoy the beauty of the coast with wind gusts sitting in soft white sand. However, the most he cried again here is a strategic location snorkeling.
29. Air terjun Sinar Tiga

The waterfall is located at the hamlet of Three Villages Sinar Harapan Jaya District of Padang Cermin Pesawaran District Lampung Province. Here you can enjoy keindaahan water that falls from the plateau to discharge water that is not too great a height of about 20 meters, thus presenting a cool atmosphere.

Well for those of you who want to visit tourist sites of the city bookie Lampung then you can take a trip to the District of Padang Cermin, usual path in pass toward the beach mutun or Klara. You can follow the path to find the junction there is a clue to if left towards Punduh Pidada / Kiluan, while to right towards Kedondong. If you've reached a fork in the download path toward kedondong to pass the village Khepong, then enter the village called Way Urang, on the border between the villages Khepong and Village Way Urang about 500 meters there is the entrance to the right, please follow the path until through the hamlet of one beam, beam 2 to beam 3. for uphill road conditions but can be passed to achieve wheelers 4. Waterfalls located at the three rays, your vehicle can only be to the end of the village.
30. Viewing Platform Tahura WAR

Can say these places like patios or pedestal terbiat of anything, so visitors can see Landscape Area. In the area of integrated tourism with the natural basis Forest Park Wan Abdul Rahman, who is currently a viable sale of their homemade appeal launched some time.

Well, for those of you who want to visit this place access to the site is quite easy. although not yet available public transportation so you can use private vehicles two wheels or four wheels. Please follow the route or path to districts Kemiling - Bandar Lampung. afterwards towards SMAN 7 and then straight on to meet with the village Sumber Agung and Captive Deer neighborhood in the area of Forest Park (TAHURA). not far from where deer so visitors can immediately mengetehui Location Viewing Platform on the right side of the road just opposite the area Gita Persada Butterfly Park.
31. Taman Kupu-kupu Gita Persada

As the name suggests the butterfly garden and of course you can see different species of butterfly species numbers about 180. Here, you can visit the Museum of butterflies, tree house, and breeding butterflies.

Location Taman Gita Persada Butterfly Lampung is located in the district at the foot of Mount Betung Kemiling, precisely in the village of Tanjung Manis, Jalan Way Rahman, Kemiling, Bandar Lampung. The location was just a side street so easy to reach.
32. Air Terjun Way Lalaan

According sejarhanya Air terjuan Lalaan Way has been known since 1937 or are still under Dutch colonial rule which have been built cement steps toward the waterfall.

Waterfall Way Lalaan was situated at the foot of Mount Tanggamus presenting a tiered waterfall with a distance of approximately 200m. This waterfall has a height of approximately 11m. For its location in the village of Pekon Kampungbaru, District East Kotaagung, Tanggamus, Lampung Province. If you're from the great cities to the location just 8km from the city and port of Lampung visitors can travel a distance of approximately 80 km with a travel period of about 1.5 hours.

33. Air Terjun Lembah Pelangi

In 2015, tourist sites yesterday began crowded because many did share to social media regarding the location of Rainbow Valley Waterfall. as is the case with other waterfall tour here you will enjoy the cool air with the sound of water falling from above with a bang. The location itself is located in the village Sukamaju Ulu Belu districts. The cottage was named waterfalls Rejo.

34. Bendungan Batu Tegi

This dam is the largest, most SEAsiaCenter southeast which functioned for hydropower. The location of the dam is located in the district Tegi Tanggamus, more precisely in Talang Padang. To get to the location can be very easy because it is not far from the town of Lampung city.

Here, you can enjoy its natural keingahan, and visitors can rent a boat provided at the dock around. Here you also can fish and if you are lucky will bring some fish such as baung, cork or catfish.
35. Legenda Batu Naga, Wisata Teluk Paku – Kelumbayan Barat Tanggamus

At that time I was still attending vocational and coincidentally my friend in Paku village not far from the beach and their parents the chance RT Kampung Paku, resettled here just in no more than 100 heads of household. which is interesting here is the beach that presents the stunning natural beauty and there either myth or indeed a true story that is on the rocks ponggir beach there is a wall with a golden yellow color that resembles the body of a snake is very long and large naun not very clear because it is shaped stones. according to local residents it is the curse of the dragon in the bitter tongue so that it becomes a stone. and for the dragon head in the middle of the island there are spikes or klumbayan the beach.

At that time I used a motor vehicle is quite slippery when the rain came so very extra careful.
36. Desa Wana Melinting

This village was once one of the best destinations for the tourists several years ago that follow the tour boat cruise and stopped in at the port of Long. At that time the village citizens are still using wooden stage house. Well, for those of you who know if ever hear or see dance rolled in Instana kenegraan, the dance comes from this village. the main attraction here is the interesting and unique home.

37. Curug Tujuh Linggapura

The location is at the register 39. disni you can see the Air terjuan with seven levels which have a total height of the waterfall is 75 meters. The route if you've been in Radin Inten II then headed

Located in the heart of the register 39, this waterfall has seven levels with a total height of the waterfall of the village of Padang Ratu Linggapura districts of Central Lampung distance you can travel approximately 135 kilometers. From the parking Your car must use a motorcycle taxi to reach the location and then proceed on foot.
38. Curug Gangsa

Actually these attractions namely Curug gangsa is a waterfall dengn end of a rice field irrigation. But the coincidence ends are on the cliffs making it a waterfall. To stretch a very nice waterfall. So you should visit if you are passing through the Right Way district. For the location is very convenient not need to do much Tracking and time consuming.
39. Bukit Bawang Bakung

Western Lampung is always present natural appeal in the form of fog in the morning. and one of the places that are popular today that offers the beauty of the morning mist that is very exotic. For the location of this Hyacinths Onion hill only takes about 20 minutes from the center of Liwa. you can see the beauty that is extraordinary feast for the eyes with rice fields and villages beneath the mountain Seminung Background form.
40. Lembah Batu Brak

If you compare it is not as grand valley Harau located in West Sumatra, but the location of this tour could be the object of which is certainly the best photo definitely enjoy doing the tourists out third visit to Lampung Lampung Barat.

If you arrive at sunrise, then you will be able to see fog in the mix with a tinge of sun and look at the various activities of local people by doing up and down the valley to bathe in fresh spring water that is located at the bottom of the valley.41. Pantai Mandiri 

For you as a novice surfers ideal location of this travel. Here, you can do bodysurf while enjoying the beauty of the sunset on the beach. sit back and relax while enjoying black coffee and relax for a moment an exciting experience when to travel. The location is on the west coast, Lampung.

Now that the various tourist attractions in Lampung you can visit. Moreover, the atmosphere of Eid gathering with family while enjoying the natural beauty of the sprawling indulgent eye on your every look at him. Reviews in on only a handful of sites in Lampung there are many other places that will never be exhausted to be discussed. May be useful.

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